Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:Phase out Fossil Fule Heating

Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:
NEW RESEARCH: More and more EU countries phase out fossil fuel heating. This is the first peer-reviewed systematic analysis of phase-out regulations for fossil fuel boilers in the EU.

Our new paper co-authored by Sibylle Braungardt, Benedikt Tezak and Veit Bürger from Oeko-Institut e.V. and me from the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) is available here for free access:

Fossil fuel boilers used for individual heating currently provide almost 60% of the energy consumed for space & water heating in the EU. Share differs between countries, ranging from >80% in Ireland, Luxemburg, Netherlands & Belgium to <10% in Sweden, Finland, Estonia & Malta.

We identified nine countries in the EU that have implemented or announced phase-out regulations for fossil fuel heating systems. Those countries include Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Netherlands and Slovenia.

The politics of introducing such bans is challenging as we have seen in Germany recently. It is now likely that the proposals will be modified to a significant extent. Expect further changes to the plans in other countries too.

10% of the EU's energy consumption for space heating is covered by the existing regulations. When additionally accounting for the planned phase-out regulations, this share increases to 28%.

Going forward the effectiveness of these schemes will need to be carefully monitored. In order to meet the climate targets for the buildings sector and the climate targets overall rapid progress with replacing carbon intensive fossil fuel heating is needed.

Source:Dr.Jan Rosenow


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