Today's KNOWLEDGE Share: Cactus-based Artificial LEATHER:

Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:
Cactus-based Artificial LEATHER:

Most vegan leather goods are made from plastic, either PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or PU (polyurethane), which both contain toxic chemicals, phthalates, and traces of bisphenol A. These items are not biodegradable, and often end up in landfills when they are no longer wearable.

For one thing, many resources are needed to raise animals for leather, including huge amounts of land, water, and feed; livestock (especially cows, which are often used for leather) emit significant amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas; and their feces pollute the air, soil, and waterways, putting local communities in danger, according to the NRDC.

It is also flexible, breathable, and durable, making it an ideal replacement for animal and synthetic leather. The touch and feel of the material are also soft and very similar to real leather. The product is also highly sustainable with a lower carbon footprint than other leather alternatives.

It also happens to be:
Less water intensive
Free from phthalates
Free from toxic chemicals

The desserto cactus vegan leather has the technical specifications required by the fashion, leather goods, furniture, and even automotive industries. It is flexible, breathable and does not stain. With the durability of around ten years, the cactus leather’s basic features, elasticity, customizable and breathable, are like those of animal or synthetic leather. The features are complemented by earth-friendly traits that include being partially biodegradable and having no toxic chemicals, phthalates, and PVC.

Apart from being natural and cruelty-free, the material also meets the specifications of several industries and can be used in:
Leather goods

Vegan leather is on par, in terms of pricing, with genuine leather. So far, the company has created car seats, shoes, handbags, and even apparel. In another plus for the environment, cactus leather is partially biodegradable and does not contain any plastic—another issue with synthetic leather. This makes for a true alternative to animal leather that does not harm the planet

Cactus can grow without any materials, tools, and chemicals of modern farming, even water, making it a perfect renewable feedstock.

There are over 1,000 species of cactus and most can be found in Mexico. Two entrepreneurs have found a way to turn this hardy plant into an alternative form of leather. Desserto is out to offer sustainable alternatives to more than just the fashion industry.

Credit: Bloomberg

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