Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:Packaging:

Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:


When considering packaging options, glass containers offer both functionality and durability. Glass is an amorphous solid made from a mixture of sand, soda, and lime that is heated until it becomes molten and then rapidly cooled to a rigid condition without crystallization.

glass is naturally brittle, it can be strengthened through tampering, which creates residual compressive stress on the surface, or through lamination with a layer of plastic. Adding more silica to the molten mixture can also increase its resistance to breaking due to temperature fluctuation.

Colored glass, made by adding certain compounds to the liquid molten mixture, can serve both an aesthetic and functional purpose. For instance, amber glass is often used to protect light-sensitive substances by absorbing light in the ultraviolet region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of the glass containers are GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) and fully approved by the FDA, so you can rest assured that your products will stay fresh without any risk of contamination or harm.

Source:SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc


#packaging #plastics #glass #films #stress #containers


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