Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:OsteoFab 3D printed PEKK

Today's KNOWLEDGE Share

OsteoFab 3D printed PEKK allows you to modify the device. It is also handy that OsteoFab is mechanically like bone, antibacterial, radiolucent and osteoconductive.

 Antibacterial Properties of OsteoFab® PEKK In 2017, a study was initiated to examine the antibacterial potential of OsteoFab PEKK due to its material chemistry and inherent rough surface (26 µm average Rq). The results showed that OsteoFab PEKK provides an inherent, antibacterial environment and demonstrated decreased bacterial adhesion and growth when compared to PEEK (Invibio PEEK-OPTIMA®).12 In this study, OsteoFab PEKK showed a 40-55% higher antibacterial effect when examined using a Live/Dead assay, just on the native surface of printed PEKK.

Culminating in a publication in the International Journal of Nanomedicine, these results highlight the unique properties attainable when the right material and manufacturing method are combined to produce more robust medical devices. In order to better understand the mechanisms of this observed antibacterial property, a follow-up study was initiated in 2020 to extend the results of the 2017 publication. The follow-up study showed a greater adsorption of the proteins casein, mucin, and lubricin to OsteoFab PEKK when compared to PEEK (Invibio PEEK-OPTIMA®) and titanium surfaces.13 This finding is important because the proteins tested are endogenous and known to decrease bacterial attachment and growth.

With the greater adsorption of these proteins, attributed to the similarity in surface energy between them and PEKK, there was a clear correlation of this increased adsorption to significantly decreased bacterial colonization on OsteoFab PEKK compared to PEEK and titanium. This result was consistent across all bacteria tested, which included S. epidermidis, P. aeruginosa, and MRSA. The Live/Dead assay results also illustrated fewer viable bacterial colonies on PEKK when compared to PEEK and titanium surfaces, which was consistent with the study published in 2017. 



#3dprinting #footandankle #orthopedicsurgery #healthcare #orthopedic #plastics #peek #osteofab #biomedical3dp #antibacterial #mrsa #aeruginosa


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