Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:Plastic Implants:

Today's KNOWLEDGE Share

Plastic Implants:

Interesting article which covers the deterioration of using Ti alloy for orthopaedic implants over the period of time due to corrosion and not achievable biocompatibility with the surrounding tissues in the body.

For the betterment of the people life,the plastic based bone,hip and knee etc

that gives very good biocompatibility when compared to Ti based parts.

3D printing Additive manufacturing is going to play a vital role in the plastic orthopaedic implants in the coming days.A lot of research is carried out with various combinations of the plastic materials to meet the required mechanical such as tensile strength,compressive strength,elongation at break and antibacterial properties etc.


#3dprinting #additivemanufacturing #plasticimplants #biomedical #orthopaedic



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