Arkema wins award for ZEBRA project

Arkema wins award for ZEBRA project

The JEC Composites Innovation Awards 2025 ceremony held on 13th of this month, rewarded 11 innovative collaborative projects. Arkema and its partners won in the "renewable energies" category for the ZEBRA project.

ZEBRA stands for Zero wastE Blade ReseArch. A research project launched in 2020 in full confinement with the aim of creating the first 100% recyclable wind turbine blade. A project which, 5 years on, has lived up to its promise.

The Awards recognize the research work of the teams who have succeeded in developing the world's largest 100% recyclable wind turbine blade using our Elium® thermoplastic resin and a Bostik adhesive.

"The JEC Award for the ZEBRA project in the renewable energy category is a major recognition for Arkema and Elium® resin, underlining our commitment to sustainable innovation. This distinction reflects our ability to offer advanced solutions that combine performance, sustainability and respect for the environment, thus helping to accelerate the energy transition and meet global challenges", Pierre Gérard, Materials R&D Engineer.

In addition to Arkema and Bostik, the project is above all a collaborative effort involving a number of partners: CANOE, Engie, IRT (Institut de recherche technologique) Jules Verne, LM Wind Power, Owens Corning, Suez.



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