Today's KNOWLEDGE Share

Why need to set optimum Epoxy Resin content for COPV applications?
The strength of composites depends predominantly on their reinforcements.I have identified from my experience in the Type 4 composite cylinder project that has been proved that the resin content directly affects the tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio and other mechanical properties of laminates.

It is mandatory to have studied the fracture analysis of the resin system and carbon fiber laminates to identify the problems in the fracture analysis and to be sorted out before proceeding to the prototype stage in the project.
Based on the manufacturing set up,production time &expected properties of the composites,need to select the right grade of epoxy resin with hardener.
Hardener plays a vital role in getting the suitable epoxy resin system.There's a deep understanding of the epoxy chemistries and its curatives are needed to select the right choice of hardener for the Type4 composite cylinders.

I have seen many failures when not selecting the suitable raw materials for the Type 3/4 COPV applications.Aliphatic,Aromatic and Anhydride based hardeners can be tried out before selecting the right matrix to meet the design requirements.If followed properly,half of your problems will not rise in the testing phase.

The more resin content and the high fiber content will cause more delamination/void in the final product.It is mandatory to stick with the right resin content throughout the process to have the uniform stress distribution in the entire carbon fiber laminate.I have witnessed more resin content will pass it on burst test and do show up failure on fatigue cyclic testing.Certain resin behavior will pass on initial tests but surely do showup the cylinder's efficiency in the end results on fatigue cyclic tests.

I always suggest my clients to have their own R& D team to conduct different resin content for example to say 30% or 35%/40% even higher or lower based on your customized epoxy resin system that suits for composite Hydrogen cylinder applications.Electron microscopy is used to scanned the the tensile strength results fracture morphology observed and analysed on each % resin system.
It is advisable to perform tensile strength and elastic modulus versus different percentage of epoxy resin content respectively and observed the results and find the optimum percentage of resin content that yield excellent results.This will give you the right understanding of your composite laminates and which resin system gives the better result.

Though fibers bear the stress,it is essential for the matrix to have optimum % content with not higher or lower thus leading to decrease in the mechanical properties of the carbon fiber cylinders.Interfacial bonding in between fiber and matrix need to planned well to avoid not infiltrate the fiber in the resin system thus lead to stress transfer failure and performance failures as well.

Muthuramalingam Krishnan


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