My Linkedin Group "Polymer Experts" has crossed 50,000 members today

Dear Valued Member,

I am happy to share with you all that our "Polymer Experts" Linkedin Group has reached the 50,000 members mark today. Without your support,we would have reached this heights in Linkedin platform.I would proudly say it has been a splendid journey of 15 years on Linkedin from its inception in 2008.

I must thank you all for your valuable contribution by sharing the latest technical information,polymeric materials, types of machinery,market research info,new product launch,breakthrough technology,latest scientific research article in the polymer world, etc. on this group through this platform.I have witnessed the activiness of the members in group have  increased many folds which is highly impressive in the past couple of years.

Without your support, we would not have reached this milestone in 2023.
 It is my pleasure to share our Today's KNOWLEDGE Share column daily (except weekends) in our Polymer Experts group which has gained and lauded by the pioneers in the Polymer industry.We will continue to cover up more sustainable materials information in the future.

I thank you all for your support and request you to share any valuable  suggestions to enhance the standard of the Polymer Experts Linkedin Group with more actions towards inspiring many minds in the coming days.

Muthuramalingam Krishnan
Group Owner
Polymer Experts Linkedin Group


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