Kevlar broken samples from dynamic stabbing zoomed in

 Microscopic Mondays!

Kevlar broken samples from dynamic stabbing zoomed in!

Research project "Dynamic/quasi-static stab-resistance and mechanical properties of soft body armor composites constructed from Kevlar fabrics and shear thickening fluids" published by Jianbin Qin, Guangcheng Zhang, Lisheng Zhou, Jiantong Li, and Xuetao Shi, investigated how different quantities of shear thickening fluid (STF) affect the knife-stabbing resistance and the quasi-static mechanical properties of kevlar composite samples.

This collage shows photographs and SEM images of broken samples from the dynamic stabbing tests. (a), (d), (g) and (j) are the neat Kevlar fabric; (b), (e), (h) and (k) are the composite with 36.23 wt% STF; (c), (f), (i) and (l) are the composite with 103.79 wt% STF.

The results show that the shear thickening fluid positively influenced the properties of the samples!



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