Today's KNOWLEDGE Share : Epoxy resin system for Type 3/4 composite cylinders

 Today's KNOWLEDGE Share

Selecting the right Epoxy resin system for Type 3/4 composite CNG/ H2 Cylinder applications:
Epoxy resin has played a vital role in Composite overwrapped Pressure vessels applications for decades. To improve certain mechanical properties,the two component /multi component epoxy resin system is mainly focused on low viscosity and good wettability that will suit for filament winding process.While preparing the resin formulation ,the glass transition temperature(Tg), ot life,curing time has to be determined to match the entire production process.

High viscous resin will lead to improper wettability and not proper adhesion with the reinforcements(carbon fiber) that will lead to formation of air bubbles and delamination in the end product that deteriorates in the mechanical properties of the type 4 cylinders.

Low viscosity Epoxy Resin:
Low viscosity epoxy resin system is recommended with proper mixed ratios and the entire production process has to maintain proper resin content till the last layer.The fluctuations in the resin content in each layer will lead to formation of voids /delamination in the final product. Interfacial bonding in between fiber and matrix need to be planned well to avoid not infiltrate the fiber in the resin system thus leading to stress transfer failure and performance failures as well.

The importance of Curing time:
Curing time has to be followed as per the manufacturer's recommendations.The curing time is set based on the polymerization reaction in between the epoxy,hardener and accelerators. One has to adhere to the suggested curing time and follow it in the entire batch. I suggest to check the properties of epoxy resin such as potlife,Tg, etc before start the filament winding process.The properties of epoxy resin may change due to the presence of dirt and not properly stored. It is advisable to have an Expert who is well knowledgeable on epoxy chemistry.The presence of impurities/dirt might slow the down the polymerization process during curing and thus leads to have many weak spots in the laminate.That's the reason,the type 4 cylinder manufacturers to stick with curing process with maintain the recommended temperature for 2 hours/4 hours or 6 hours with different curing temperatures. For optimizing the curing process,one has to customize the over that will carry out the entire curing process with different temperatures for hours.

Do not try fabricating your own oven by yourself in the beginning of the plant set up. One small mistake or not proper functioning will make the product fail in the testing.Over heating above recommended temp time also leads to weakening the mechanical properties as well.There is no intermittent break up during curing process. It has to be one cycle properly executed.

Muthuramalingam Krishnan

Credit (Photo) :Hexagon Purus
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