Planet Friendly Plastics:Latest Advancements Conference in March 12-13 in Las Vegas

COST; a Roadblock to Renewable Plastics Growth-Misunderstood & DeMystified

Since the society really cares for the "Climate/Environment/Sustainability", we need to transition quickly to “BioBased” and “Molecular Recyling Technologies” that lead to Virgin Plastics.Reason for a slow adoption of Green-Plastics is the Cost.

Coca-Cola’s CEO James Quincey: "I think we're in danger of exaggerating the impact of the 25% increase in the aluminum price relative to the total system," he said on the company's earnings call-FEB 2025. "It's not insignificant, but it's not going to radically change a multibillion dollar U.S. business, and packaging is only a small component of the total cost structure." Thank you, James Quincey, for supporting our long-held opinion! Note this is on top of 25% food inflation over the last 3 years in the US where economy is still red-hot.

While at SPE-Polyolefins, February 18th, we presented our case that the cost to the Brand-Owners and the consumers is a Non-Issue. For example, a pack of shampoo bottles at Costco is selling for $33.99. If the cost of Green-PE vs Fossil-PE packaging is only $0.02-0.05 more, is it really going to derail the consumer ?Brand_owners such as Procter & Gamblecan absorb the “Procurement Cost” to start withand then pass-on 2-5 cents to the consumer if the supply-chain decides not to take a financial hit.

Our March 12-13 conference will elaborate on “State-of-the-NonFossil Plastic Industry” from a Technological-Commercial-Business points of view.

To REGISTER, contact InnoPlast at 973-801-6212 or CLICK the link:


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