HYSLAND: Calvera collaborates in green hydrogen project in Mallorca

 The entry of the Grupo Industrial Calvera into the HYSLAND project, promoted by a consortium made up of 30 partners from 11 countries, will reinforce what is undoubtedly one of the largest green hydrogen initiatives in Spain and Europe. With a global budget of more than 50 million euros and a European Commission’s contribution of 10 million euros through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), HYSLAND aims to create a true green hydrogen ecosystem in the Balearic Islands during the next five years, involving numerous economic sectors to become the reference project in this field in southern Europe.

HYSLAND, which is coordinated by Enagás and also includes other prominent players such as Acciona, comprises a broad set of actions and infrastructures that will revolve around the production, distribution and use of more than 300 tons of renewable hydrogen per year, generated from photovoltaic solar technology. This will be used for the supply of bus fleets, rental vehicles or ferries, the generation of heat and electricity for public buildings, commercial and port services, the injection of hydrogen into existing infrastructures to decarbonize the supply of gas or the construction of a hydrogen station, with an estimated global reduction of more than 20,000 tons in Mallorca’s annual CO2 emissions.

Calvera’s participation in this project is part of its commitment to green hydrogen and is strategic, since the Aragon-based company will launch the first mobile renewable hydrogen pipeline in Spain, which will allow it to optimize this fuel in a short period of time, as well as the future possibility of scaling its flow of distribution.

It is a large-scale distribution project, using two mobile high pressure (HP) gas pipelines and fixed solutions in each of the consumption points specifically designed for this purpose by Calvera to optimize distributed use to the different consumption points. A virtual gas pipeline will transfer the hydrogen from the production site to the hydrogen station of the municipal transport company where it will be supplied. The second pipeline, with smaller modules, will bring green hydrogen closer to consumers with lower consumption rates, such as the port of Mallorca, the Lloseta City Council or a hotel on the island.

This project will give a lot to talk about in the coming years, by making an economic system based on green hydrogen a reality with direct applications that will benefit people, companies, public entities and the natural environment of Mallorca.

Source: Gasnam / Calvera


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