Sharebot SnowWhite is a professional 3D printer with DLS (Direct Laser Sintering)
technology: a fast, easy to use working tool dedicated to professionals who test
and develop new materials or to people who need to create functioning mechanical

Sharebot SnowWhite has a laser of 2.200 mm/s which allows to print at a printing
speed of 35 mm/h. The printer uses different thermoplastic powders like PA12 or PA11:
all the printing setting can be set and modified through the touch screen display,
where the printer also shows all the parameters during the printing process.

The printer can be the perfect laboratory tool to test new powders because it can
start working with just 300g of material; it’s also possibile to recover all the unused
powders. The machine can start printing in just few minutes and it has a low energy
consumption while the powder doesn’t suffer any thermic stress.

Sharebot SnowWhite is the Sharebot DLS (Direct Laser Sintering) professional 3D printer based on laser sintering technology which consists in the sinterization of thermoplastic powders realized by a laser, layer by layer. The main advantages of the laser sintering technology compared to other technologies are: the possibility to create objects of any desired shape, without using supports; the mechanical and thermal resistance of the realized objects; the possibility to use again the left-over materials.
The printer with its CO2 laser allows to use a wide range of professional thermoplastic powder, such as PA 12, PA 11 and TPU, which give specific properties to the realized objects. To handle particular requests, it is also possible to use charged powders which contain particles of other materials such as glass, carbon or aluminum, giving different physical, mechanical and visual properties to the final objects. SnowWhite has the aim to bring the advantages of the sintering process to the small and medium business and to technical laboratories not only in an economic, easy and efficient way, but also keeping a professional and high quality result.
It is a printer which allows the user to “print in a click” because after a material is profiled, the printing process is completely automatic and the results are fully reproducible. Compared to other printers based on the same technology, the first start lasts 10 minutes, which means that the time from the loading powder to the creation of the first layer is about 10 minutes.
The printer medium consumption is less then 1,5 Watt/h and all the left-over powder can be used again in the next printing process. The printer requires only 300 ml of powder to start working and the building speed can reach 25 mm/h.

Technical Details:

SIZE 500 x 500 x 800 mm
PRINTING AREA 100 x 100 x 100 mm
Z RESOLUTION 50 micron
XY RESOLUTION 100 micron
LASER CO2 – 14 Watt
SPEED (Z-axis) 35 mm/h
SCAN SPEED Fino a 3500 mm/s


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