Evonik Expands Production Capacity of C4-based Products

Evonik Industries has strengthened its position in C4-based products and has successfully, and on time, put into operation new production plants in Antwerp (Belgium). Also in the Marl Chemical Park (Germany), the C4 capacities are being increased. For this, the company has invested a total amount in the three-digit million ranges (Euro) in the two sites. 

The new plants result in an expansion of capacities for butadiene in Antwerp, for the plasticizer alcohol Isononanol (Marl) as well as for the antiknock agent MTBE (Marl and Antwerp). According to market analyses, the global demand for these products increases by two to five percent per year. 

"By expanding our C4 capacities and the necessary and important investments into the supply of raw materials at our sites, we are sustainably strengthening our market positions. At the same time we are supporting our customers’ growth plans in Europe and worldwide," said Klaus Engel, Chairman of the Executive Board of Evonik. 

With long-term supply contracts, Evonik has sustainably ensured the raw material supply for the operation of the new plants. As a technology leader, Evonik has also for the first time made FCC- C4 material flows from refineries usable. This demonstrates Evonik’s technological excellence on C4 and is an important contribution to a sustainable production. 

Evonik has been a globally leading provider of C4 - based products such as butadiene, MTBE, isobutene, 1-butene, INA (Isononanol) as well as 2-PH (2-propylheptanol) and DINP (diisononylphthalat) for a long time. For this, Evonik operates integrated large-scale plants for the processing of C4 raw materials. The group offers its customers long-term logistics competence and an excellent global service network. 

With the expanded production networks in Antwerp and Marl, Evonik wants to further develop and strengthen its market positions in C4 chemistry for the long-term. 

Butadiene is mainly used in synthetic rubbers, for example for the manufacturing of tires. Furthermore, there is a wide range of application for elastomer and plastics. 

The anti-knock agent MTBE (Methyl -tert.-butylether) increases the octane number of fuels in petrol engines and results in an improved combustion of fuels in the engines. This way, MTBE contributes to a better air quality. 

Isononanol (INA) is mainly used as an alcohol component in the manufacturing of PVC plasticizers. Plasticizers based on INA are characterized by excellent properties, both in the plastisol and thermoplastic processing.

About Evonik


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