bio-on Develops 100% Biodegradable Bioplastic PHAs to Create Scaffolds to Regenerate Human Bones

The bioplastic PHAs developed by bio-on can be used to regenerate human tissue, notably to create support structures (scaffolds) for cultured bone cells; structures through which it is possible to regenerate a human bone. This is possible because this material, 100% biodegradable in water, is also extremely bio-compatible, as shown by a study by a team of Italian researchers. The first results of this study are being published in major international specialized scientific journals.

"It has been amply demonstrated in writings on the subject that polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are materials well suited to be used in tissue regeneration from cell cultures"
"It has been amply demonstrated in writings on the subject that polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are materials well suited to be used in tissue regeneration from cell cultures," explains Paola Fabbri, a researcher at the Enzo Ferrari Department of Engineering at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. "In our laboratory, we've shown how this material, when properly combined with ceramic or vitreous osteoinductive particles in highly porous structures, is suitable for the construction of composite scaffolds devoid of cytotoxicity. Biological validation tests with cell proliferation assays have demonstrated that bone cells are able to adhere fully to these scaffolds, and to give rise to a supported process of tissue regeneration".

In the future, the properties of this material, especially its extreme bio-compatibility, will enable its use to be extended to the regeneration of other tissues, thanks to the design of bioresorbable scaffolds in vivo, i.e., which are absorbed by the human body and therefore do not need removal at the end of the tissue regeneration process.
"We're extremely pleased with these results,' says Marco Astorri, CEO and co-founder of bio-on "because the biomedical sector is one of the many in which our biopolymers can be used (obtained in this case from by-products from Co.Pro.B., the leading Italian manufacturer of sugar beet). We've already finalized a deal with Virdhi an innovative start-up that develops advanced materials for biomedical use, and in the months ahead we'll be doing the same with other similar initiatives in the world."

Source: bio-on


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