MMATech Develops Polyimide-based Hip Replacement Implant for Medical Industry

Due to constant increase in human life expectancy, more and more people require total hip replacement surgeries; a field generating billions of US$ per year. One of the major problems with current materials used for hip implants is the extremely high friction and wear created between the different articulating implant components. Thus, the big players in the field are constantly striving to find improved materials. The Johnson and Johnson unit DePuy Orthopaedics issued a global recall of two hip aid systems after finding that more people than expected suffered pain which required additional surgery.
The friction and wear may cause mechanical failure of the implant resulting in its breakage and dislocation. This friction and wear creates sub-micron particles which and may activate the inflammatory system leading to local inflammation. This could lead to more significant complications including loosening of the implant, fracture of the hip bone and dislocation of the implant which requires a revision surgery. In the case of metal implants metal ions can be absorbed by tissue or enter the bloodstream resulting in allergy development and kidney and/or nerve system effects. In rare cases it might cause carcinogenic and poisoning effects.
Resolving the described problems was the main goal of the scientists and engineers at MMATech, Naharyya Israel. MMATech Ltd., develops components made of a revolutionary material of the Polyimide family, MP1™, originally developed at NASA USA for the aviation and space industry.
The material, being highly thermosetic, combines unusual strength, self-lubrication, and excellent friction and wear durability together with resistance to fatigue, creep, impact and chemicals.
MMATech manufactures acetabular liners made of its novel MP1™ material. Pre clinical and clinical studies indicated that the liner characteristics prevent, almost totally, wear debris formation, and the debris formed did not penetrate the bloodstream nor caused inflammation (inert particles).
Pilot clinical studies were conducted in New Zealand, with excellent five (5) years follow-up clinical results. MMATech plans to initiate large scale clinical studies with strategic partners in the beginning of 2012. Following extensive mechanical, pre-clinical and clinical tests, MMATech was accredited in October 2011 to the CE Mark certification for its MP1™ acetabular liner. The CE certificate enables MMATech to market its liner throughout Europe.


  1. Thank you for this informative and comprehensive inputabout polyimide-based hip replacement implant for medical industry. In relation to this, hip replacement surgeries can be very critical, especially now that defective hip products have been identified. The manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, is now facing thousands of DePuy ASR lawsuit because of the flawed DePuy hip replacement device.

  2. Interesting blog you have here. Thanks for sharing and keep this up! Pinnacle Lawsuit

  3. Thx for your reply.Keep checking my blog more often.I will try my best to share valuable info through this blog.

  4. Totally true. We should not wonder why we can read news nowadays which says that the rate of DePuy Pinnacle lawsuits are increasing. I am not utterly blaming the manufacturers of these medical devices but I think they must take the pressure and make ways on how to improve the product so that these types issues can be eliminated.

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