Bayer's CNT

LEVERKUSEN -- Bayer MaterialScience has opened a new pilot facility for the manufacture of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at CHEMPARK Leverkusen. The company has invested some EUR 22 million in the planning, development and construction of the facility, which is the largest of its kind in the world and has an annual capacity of 200 metric tons.This whole Bayer's Baytubes expected 25% growth every year and this will creat 2 billion dollar market within 10 years.This going to provide 100,000 jobs in forthcoming months.

CNTs are manufactured from ethylene in a reactor at an elevated temperature using a catalytic process. "Under the right conditions, the next few years will see nanotechnology becoming a powerful branch of industry in Germany and other places in the world.

Baytubes® are a highly innovative modification of carbon. They can be added to polymer matrices or metal systems as a filler or modifier to improve their mechanical strength and impart electrical properties. Potential applications for Baytubes® include thermoplastic and thermoset systems and coatings. When used in coatings for ships, Baytubes® ensure very high abrasion resistance. At the same time they reduce the flow resistance between the ship's hull and the water, resulting in a significant reduction in fuel consumption. Further applications for carbon nanotubes include rotor blades for wind turbines, and sports equipment such as skis, hockey sticks and surfboards.

Personal View:

So far Nano technology is not been acccepted widely yet.Still many R&D is going on this particulat carbon nanotubes.It's advisable to add CNT to a system where high performance required.Because it seems very expensive based on Single and multiwalled CNT'S.

I hope this CNT has to grow in coming years.Still need to be observed its performance on certain product life cycle.many industry still not ready for adopting this technology in their existed product line.there are many factors and issues need to be addressed before CNT widely accepted by all industries.


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