The Van der Windt Group Introduces Floral Packaging Made from PLA
A biodegradable and compostable tulip sleeve is a new addition to Van der Windt Verpakking's range for the ornamental horticulture market. This introduction is Van der Windt's response to the growing interest in packaging made from renewable raw materials. As both the sleeve and the ink are compostable the sleeve can be put in the fruit and vegetable waste container along with the tulip stem trimmings. This bio-based tulip sleeve is made from PLA (poly lactic acid) a renewable raw material extracted from corn. The material is also ideal for magazine outer sleeves and as a coating for hot and cold drinks cups. The tulip sleeve has been given the brand name 'Feel the nature'. PLA is suitable for packaging all types of flowers. By purchasing the 'Feel the nature' sleeve Wesselman Flowers of Roelofarendsveen, the Netherlands, is investing in the environmentally-responsible processing of tulips. Every year Wesselman Flowers, under the name, s...