Chennai evaluates to run its bus service on CNG

In order to reduce the emission levels and operational costs, the government-owned Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) intends to powered is bus fleet by compressed natural. Consequently, the company recently held meetings with Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to determine the proper infrastructure to supply the fluid.

"We are keen on shifting to CNG to bring down emission levels of our buses. It would also reduce our fuel expenditure. We had elaborate discussions with IOC, but they said they were not in a position to supply CNG now,'' reported transport official to The Times of India.

IOC executives stated they are planning the construction of an LNG terminal at Ennore. "We signed a memorandum of understanding with the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation early this month to set up a Rs 3,000-crore facility,” he added.

On behalf of Petroleum Conservation Research Association, V Sivakumar explained: "Delhi government was able to control pollution there by converting diesel-operated buses into CNG-run vehicles. Though the capital expenditure to set up the infrastructure for CNG will be high, it would give 1.5 times more mileage than diesel. It will also increase the operational efficiency of the vehicle."


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