Today's KNOWLEDGE Share:Carbon Fiber running Blade
Today's KNOWLEDGE Share Carbon fiber composite is a lightweight material commonly used in a running blade. The blade is often embedded directly into the socket or fixed below the socket within lower-limb prostheses. Athletes with unilateral transtibial amputations are prescribed C- or J-shaped running blades with a manufacturer-recommended stiffness category based on body mass and activity level, and height based on unaffected leg and residual limb length. C-shaped running blades attach distal to the socket and are recommended for distance running (e.g. 10 km, half marathon, and marathon) and J-shaped running blades attach posterior to the socket and are recommended for sprinting (e.g. 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m). C- shaped running blade is more effective at storing and releasing energy over time which helps you to run more efficiently and for longer periods of time. J - shaped running blade allows for a quick return of energy helping you to achieve higher speeds. Running blade height...