BASF Introduces Modified PBT for Radar Sensor Applications in Vehicles

BASF launches Ultradur® RX , a modified polybutylene terephthalate (PBT), specifically for radar sensor applications in vehicles. With good resistance against media such as splash water, oils or salt, Ultradur® offers protection for sensor housings. In addition, the new material shields the sensitive electronics in the housings against disturbing electromagnetic waves from other vehicles. Absorption and Reflection of Interference Radiation With increasing electromagnetic interference issues in road traffic, it is crucial that for optimal sensor functioning this noise is absorbed and therefore reduced. That makes Ultradur® the perfect choice as it suppresses disturbing radar radiation, better assigns the received signals, which at the same time means an improvement in safety. As a functionalized plastic, Ultradur® RX is an excellent alternative to metal housings, thus contributing to weight savings and higher vehicle efficiency. Since the absorption properties depend o...