New Low-temperature Polyethylene Upcycling Method for Waste Reduction

UC Santa Barbara researchers have developed a one-pot, low-temperature catalytic method that upcycles polyethylene — a polymer that is found in about a third of all plastics produced, with a global value of about $200 billion annually — into high-value alkylaromatic molecules that are the basis of many industrial chemicals and consumer products. Adding value to what would otherwise become trash could make plastic waste recycling a more attractive and practical pursuit with an environmentally beneficial outcome. New Direction for Plastic Waste This method represents a new direction in the lifecycle of plastics, one in which waste polymers could become valuable raw materials instead of winding up in landfills, or worse, in waterways and other sensitive habitats. “This is an example of having a second use, where we could make these raw materials more efficiently and with better environmental impact than making them from petroleum,” fellow chemistry and chemical e...