Ireland’s first biomethane bus starts passenger operations in Cork

Bus travelers in Cork were the first passengers to ride a ‘green bus’ in Ireland on March 25. With zero carbon emissions, this biomethane vehicle is a viable alternative for Ireland’s public bus fleet, and the bus has been part of national trials looking at its performance, air quality impacts and CO2 emissions, among other criteria. “Energy Cork has been advocating the benefits of adopting CNG and biomethane for our public bus fleet in Cork for a number of years, so we are delighted to be making a journey on Ireland’s first zero carbon emissions bus,” said Michelle O’Sullivan, Energy Cork spokesperson and Cork Chamber Public Affairs Senior Executive. “Never has the demand for public transport been greater in Cork with the city centre expecting an additional 10,000 jobs in the next 5 years. We have the opportunity now to shape how we grow and be proactive in adopting technologies that work for the city and which protect our environment and air quality. This technology is...